I have only had my Delta 2 for about a week, but it has already made a huge difference in my life. It's a small, powerful device that provides 1800w of AC output, which has allowed me to move more freely while still being able to control my environment. As someone with severe food allergies, the Delta 2 has been a lifesaver for me. It lets me take my food preparation on the go, ensuring that I can always have allergen-free food that's cooked to my preference. I no longer have to settle for cold, watery food when I'm out and about. With the Delta 2, I can carry a small refrigerator, induction burner, and water pot with me in my car or SUV. I can pull over at any time and place to cook my food, which helps me maintain a more consistent level of nutrition and avoid the highs and lows that come with skipping or delaying meals. The Delta 2 is easy to use, has plenty of charging options, and is rock solid in terms of performance. It really has been a game changer and a life changer for me.